From Brass To White Table Lamp Revamp: Guest Project

Want the look a Z-Gallery white table lamp for a great price.  See how Sarah at Room 2 Think created a similar look with a little paint and effort.

Lamp After Closeup
Being on a tight budget, I love to thrift shop. I can be frequently seen pushing Hailey in her stroller down the street to The Salvation Army Thrift Store. I do sometimes have to get creative in how I fit my larger purchases into the stroller basket to push it back home again. This was the case with this long, heavy brass lamp. The lamp was on the shelf with a gigantic cylindrical lampshade that didn’t fit the lamp well and would never have made it into the stroller basket. Instead of wearing it on my head as I walked home, I opted to gift it back to the Salvation Army.
Here is the hard-to-look-at before:
Lamp Before

Quite ugly, but I liked the shape. Here are the steps I took to paint the lamp:
1) Taped off the bulb socket and the cord.
2) Sprayed the lamp with two layers of a white oil-based spray primer I had on hand.
3) Lightly sanded the drips with a fine-grit sandpaper. Wiped down with a damp cloth.
4) Painted the lamp with a layer of Valspar flat Bistro White using a brush like this trimming and edging brush to get into all the nooks and crannies. Since the primer was also white, I only needed the one layer.
5) Lightly sanded the drips with a fine-grit sandpaper. Wiped down with a damp cloth.
5) Painted two layers of Minwax Water-Based Polyurethane I had on hand. This protects the paint and adds gloss to the lamp.
After scouring thrift stores and Marshalls, Ross, and Burlington Coat Factory for a discount shade, I finally gave in and bought a drum lampshade at Target for $24.99. The lamp cost $7.99. All other supplies I already had on hand. Total cost: $32.98. Considering the fact that the lamp I had in mind from Z-Gallerie as I repainted mine is $139.00, I think I did pretty well.

Z Gallerie Lamp

My lamp:
Lamp After

For more thrift store finds and tutorials, see Mirror Mirror and The Gift of Thrift.

Very nice indeed!  I love the white table lamp.  What do you think of the new look?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >The lamp turned out great. I am always amazed at what a can of spray paint can do. Looks really nice. Love & blessings from NC!

  2. >Great lamp makeover!! People are just getting better and better at DIY's!!! It's better than the Z gallerie lamp.

  3. >I am so impressed! It is a beautiful lamp!
    I have seen this type of lamp before, and
    never thought to do something like this.
    Another look at the lamps at my local thrift is now on my agenda! Thanks for the post!

    Flora Doora

  4. >Thank you, Remodelaholic, for featuring Room2Think! We love all the inspiration you provide us for our DIYing.
    Thanks to everyone else for your kind comments.