Free DIY Modern Painted Border Idea

Free DIY Modern Painted Border Idea
contributed by House Tweaking
Modern Painted Border using Toilet Paper Roll stencil
It’s Feature Friday!  On Fridays, I’ll be featuring one room in my house in its current condition even if there are some things I’d like to change about it.  If I do happen to improve something later, I can always revisit it when the time comes.  Plus, I’d kinda feel dishonest if I only focused on “finished” rooms in my house.  And if what they (the professionals) say is true, a room is never really finished anyways…you’re always tweaking it.  Concentrating on just one room weekly should give me some time to tidy it up a bit, too.  At least, I can throw all the toys into another room!
On the other side of my pantry, lies the only bathroom on the main floor…the powder room.  It’s painted one shade darker than the rest of our downstairs main living space.  I wish it had a window.
Modern Bathroom Budget Paint Idea
I’ve never quite figured out why it’s called a ‘powder room’.  We don’t do any powdering of any kind in here.
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I replaced the frameless builder mirror with an oval oak one that I found at a local antique store for $20.  Of course, I painted it white.
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secured a towel hook to the wall at kid-level for the lil’ people in our house.  They really do use it!
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The wooden step stool serves double duty.  1) It gives the kids a boost to reach the sink when they wash their hands.  **Key word being when.**  2) It hides up to 3 rolls of toilet paper surplus.
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A wall shelf contains typical toiletries:  toothbrushes, toothpaste, fingernail clippers, mouthwash, etc.  And a few atypical ones as well:  sunscreen, bug spray, boys’ hair pomade.
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The shelves are necessary storage since the pedestal sink offers none.
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I DIY’d this reed diffuser using a 25-cent Goodwill vase, 99-cent chopsticks and vanilla bean scented oil from Wal-Mart.  Everybody asks what smells so good in our powder room.
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My dream powder room would have white wainscoting.  I ‘made do’ by painting this border around the room one day while my kids were napping.
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I used the end of an empty toilet paper roll tube and the leftover trim paint that the builder gave us.  It cost me $0.
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I added pops of pink with the faux orchid vase and orchid print.  You could say I’ve gotta thang for orchids.
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So, there you go.  That’s where I’d powder my nose if I did powder my nose.  Which I don’t.  Stay tuned for next week’s tour of another teeny space located outside the powder room.  Then, I promise, onto a bigger room.
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >oh my gosh I love the ingenuity of using the toilet paper roll and leftover paint to make the design around the bathroom! So clever!

  2. >Love the painted circles and love even more that you used a toilet paper roll as a template! Very inventive!

  3. They look wonderful, I love how the circles are not perfect. They go very well with the rest of the colours and décor. Well done