Farmhouse Bedroom Before and After

just a quick reminder

there is a $250 Ballard Designs giveaway

going on at Hometalk right now!

Submitted By Laurie Anna Vintage Home


Hubby and I spent all last week in Atlanta buying for the Shoppe, so I slated the bedroom makeover from our Farmhouse on Main to post during our absence.

When we returned home, I was surprised by the near 100 comments and totally blown away by the Pinterest action our little farmhouse bedroom was getting!  My Pinterest following jumped significantly almost overnight.  Thank you so much for that, you overwhelm me!
If you’ve not checked out Pinterest yet, you can find me here.

My blog is very special and personal for me.  And, even though it is loosely attached to my business, it’s so much more than that to me.

It’s a way for us to share and connect with each other.  Your thoughtful words, and your willingness to share them through comments and emails, brings me so much joy.

I enjoy sharing our little farmhouse with you and have a large supply of projects lined up for future posts.  I’m currently working on the living room and am taking it in a different direction!

Last weeks bedroom reveal was much longer than I had anticipated so I saved the “before and after” photos for a later post.

So, here goes….

Aside from scads of wonderful comments, I also received loads of emails with specific questions about the room.

I’ve answered some of them below.

What paint colors did you use for this room?

Walls: “Steamed Milk”, by Sherwin Williams

Trim: “Alabaster” by Sherwin Williams

Did you custom make the bedding?

No, the bedding is a mix of several different lines that I carry in my Shoppe. Since the color of all the bedding is whites, creams, and tans, mixing up the textures and shades instead of keeping it “matchy matchy” gave it more depth and the feel of being collected over time.

Is the ceiling painted a different color than the walls?

No, the ceiling color is the same color as the walls, but the walls are satin finish and the ceiling is flat.  The difference in the finish and the lighting makes it look like a different shade.

Where did you get the curtains and curtain rods?

I sell the Farmhouse curtains at my Shoppe, and the curtain rods came from Wal-mart.

Are the bed and desk antique, and are they for sale?

Yes, the bed is an antique and the desk is a repurposed piece made from an antique stable door and antique iron sink legs.

Neither are for sale… least not just yet. 🙂

Are the horse prints for sale and are they old?

The horse prints are reproductions, I found them a couple years ago and carried them in the Shoppe for a while.  They have since been discontinued, but I’m trying to get my hands on more.

And the number one question……

How did you hang the barn door?

I will share all the details including “how to” photos in an upcoming post. Hubster is reluctantly helping me with the post….blogging is not his thang!


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I am the husband of the amazing Cassity of Remodelaholic. I love to problem solve and to design and build things inside and outside the house to make life better. I am a professional Landscape Architect by trade and love the outdoors.

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