DIY Night Light for Under $10

$10 DIY Night Light from Thrift Store Finds | Mom 4 Real for #DIYunder$20 #thriftstore #lighting

Hey, hey Remodelaholic peeps!  I’m Jessica from Mom 4 Real, and I am so excited to be back here sharing another thrifty DIY with you!  Last month I shared my DIY Wine Crate Shelves, and I’ve been chomping at the bit to get back over here!  This month I am sharing a super fun and inexpensive DIY Night Light that I made for my daughter Kate!  I am on a mission to find simple DIY projects that anyone can do for under $20…I hope you will join me each month to see what fun project I have come up with!

DIY-Night-Light-from-Thrift-Shop-FindsLast week at Goodwill, I found a mini lamp shade for 50 cents, an old pyrex bottle for $1.00, and a light kit for $2…score!  I tried the lamp kit at the store just to be sure it worked.  


I thought the lamp would look super cute as is, but Kate is an aquaholic, so I decided to paint the inside of the bottle for her.  I squirted some paint inside the bottle.

Paint-the-inside-of-a-bottle-the-easy-wayThen I swirled it around until it coated the entire inside of the bottle.  Once the inside was totally covered, I turned it upside down on a wire rack and allowed it to drain overnight and dry as well.


Once the paint is dry, simply push the lamp kit into the top of the bottle.  There are little prongs that will grab the inside of the bottle, so just push until it clicks in.  You can purchase lamp kits like this at any home improvement store for around $3.

Turn-a-Bottle-Into-a-Night-Light  Now insert your light bulb.

Add-glitter-to-a-lamp-shade Kate wanted a glittery lampshade, so we added a little glitter to glam it up!

Make-a-Night-Light-from-Thrift-Store-FindsWe placed it beside her bed and she absolutely loves it!  It gives off the perfect amount of light at night and is pretty too…win, win! Now I will be keeping my eyes open for cute old bottles and leftover lamp shades.  They make the kits in larger sizes too, so I could totally see turning a wine bottle into a lamp or an old vase into one…the possibilities are endless!

Final cost:  Around $4.50 with paint!  If you wanted to make your own, you could buy a light kit for around $3 at any home improvement store, and use an old wine bottle or any bottle with a slim opening at the top.  The lamp shade I used can be found at most home improvement stores for around $2 – $5, so you could easily make this project for anywhere between $4 – $10!  

Here are  a few more looks at Kate’s room if you are interested…

cottage-bedroom-reveal-bedKate’s Cottage Bedroom Reveal

Aqua Dresser With Ribbon Handles

Kid's Art Station
Old Vanity Turned Kid’s Art Station 

Thanks so much for hanging with me, be sure to stop my Mom 4 Real for a visit!

See y’all next month!



Craving more light? Pay a visit to our archives to see more than 60 fabulous DIY lighting ideas and tutorials.

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