6 Delicious (and Easy!) Paleo Desserts

Easy Paleo Desserts via Tipsaholic.com


Eating clean doesn’t mean that you need to give up having a sweet ending to your dinner. Here are some delicious paleo desserts that are also extremely easy to make! (featured image via CrossFit Pulse)

6 Easy and Delicious Paleo Desserts via Tipsaholic.com

Cherry and Almond Butter Milkshake

All you need is a blender and you’ll have a creamy and sweet milkshake that’s more like a dessert than a smoothie. Add a cute straw and sip away!


  • 2 cups almond milk
  • 1 whole banana, frozen
  • 8 cherries, frozen
  • 4 tablespoons almond butter
  • 1 tablespoon honey (adjust the amount to your taste)
  • 10 ice cubes (adjust the amount to your taste)

You can add a teaspoon or two of cocoa powder if you want a more chocolaty flavor. This paleo dessert recipe makes two big milkshakes.

Banana Ice Cream

This paleo dessert recipe requires only ONE ingredient. You’ll need a food processor and you can add whatever toppings you want, but all you really need to make this dessert is frozen bananas. Find out how at The Paleo Mama!

Chocolate Mug Cake

You can’t beat a paleo dessert that takes only three minutes to make. This will come in handy when you just need a chocolate fix RIGHT NOW and you don’t want to gorge on candy. Mix up almond meal, cocoa powder, honey, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and an egg in a mug and microwave it. And then it’s cake time! Get the full recipe at Delighted Momma.

Grilled Peaches

I just recently tried grilled peaches for the first time. After the first bite, I wondered why the heck I didn’t try it years ago. I even used peaches that weren’t all that ripe and it came out so good. This recipe from Everyday Paleo adds whipped coconut cream on top. Yum.

Paleo Fruit Pops

My toddler is crazy about dessert and fruit. I just bought some ice pop molds and am excited to try this paleo dessert soon. It requires only almond milk and chopped fresh berries, but I’m sure frozen berries will work just as well. Try the recipe at CrossFit Pulse.

Coconut Cookie Dough Balls

Did you know that you can make your own coconut butter? It’s so easy and you’ll need some of it for this paleo dessert that requires only two ingredients. Guess what’s the other one? Find out how to make these delish balls and how to make coconut butter at Chocolate Covered Katie.


Now I’m hungry for something sweet. I’m off to grab a handful of frozen cherries, which you can buy in bulk at Costco. That’s another easy paleo dessert for you to try!


Looking for more healthy recipes? Check out this Banana Zucchini Cookies recipe and the Top Ten Zucchini Recipes.


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I’m Elisa and I live in Austin, Texas with my husband and our two little girls. I used to teach reading and writing, but now I stay at home with my two kiddos and read and write in my spare time. I also love to undertake DIY projects, find new recipes on Pinterest, and dream about someday finally completing our home. Above all, I love to learn about new things and sharing my new-found knowledge with others.

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