Daybed Made Out of Used Doors: Guest

Shaunna at Perfectly Imperfect made a daybed out of some used doors.

On to the daybed….I haven’t decided how to finish it, and I’m just tired of waiting to show you guys.  Maybe you can give me an opinion. 

Okay, way back when in January, this is what my mom’s doors looked like….

These were on my house growing up until I was 12 or so, and I always thought they were beautiful.  At Christmas, I found them laying in my parents barn, and I got a bit of a twinkle in my eye. 

The plan had been originally to use them as doors in our attic, but too much door for too little space.  We have those tiny angled doors, and these monsters were not fitting.  Period.

And then my mom, oh, my mom, had the lovely idea of turning them into a daybed.  I had picked out the one I wanted, but even on ebay it was $6-700, and that was hurting my heart just a bit to spend that kind of money on one piece.

So, with some time and a little bit of prayer–because we were quite scared that we would ruin them after that first cut–they went from this….
to this….

As you can see, my writing room is still not finished, but like I said, I’m too impatient to wait anymore.  We’ll get to a completely designed and decorated room one day….and maybe even have a bedskirt.  🙂
I love its heavy lines, and the delicate details on the inside panels.  One day I’d like to see it filled with cushy pillows and layers of bedding.  Again, that day will come.  These that I pulled from around the house will certainly do for now.  The bedding is Simply Shabby Chic smocked duvet and sham–found on Ebay for $24.

This is where I’m stuck.  I wanted to distress those grooves really well, but there’s a problem.  That red (it’s hard to see in the picture) still bleeds through.  Two coats of grey high-hiding primer and 3 coats of white later.  I’m done with base coats.  End of story there.  So it’s either use the dremel (I’m going to do a post on that soon) and barely apply pressure and again with the praying, or glaze the grooves. 

I had originally wanted to glaze the entire bed.  But….I had a dresser-look a like (that’s really lots of storage) made and it is grey-glazed.  I really don’t want the pieces to look very matchy-matchy.

So….what do you think?  Distress the grooves ever so slightly or with a steady hand glaze only the panels, leaving some in the grooves?

Even though I am torn with the details, I’m a thrilled with the construction and the paint job.  Matt, you did a BEAUTIFUL job, and I couldn’t be happier with my $20 daybed!  That’s right, I said $20 for the balisters and feet…okay, maybe $30 with paint, but I only use gallons of that per week.

I promise you a full tutorial soon….and there’s rumor of a video post on the construction.

Can’t wait to hear what you think!!

And on to some news…..

Style Feature Saturday is coming soon!  You know I’ve been talking about it forever, and I’m taking the plunge.  As long as there are a good bit of participants, it’ll go on for, I don’t know, forever.
Mwa Ha Ha!!!


All scary laughs aside, this linky party will be for featuring your style–in the home, that is.  It could be featuring your new mantel decor, or a room re-do, or even a craft that is for the home….and definitely furniture transformations!  Even though I love all the crafts out there, there are so many parties for that and most parties include all categories.  There’s some on paint, on furniture, but none that cover the style of our homes….so if you heart me like I heart you guys, spread the word and be on the lookout for the button.  It should all be set up within a couple of weeks and I’ll announce the start date—on Saturday’s. 

SOOOO excited to spend my week perusing your brilliance!

If you would like to host a giveaway during any Style Feature Saturday, please let me know!  See “Advertise” for some stats on the traffic here, and how many eyes would be headed your way.

Can’t wait to hear what you think about the daybed…give Matt some love, will you?  Just not too much.

How great was that!  

What do you think of her new daybed?

Website | + posts

Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >LOVE..LOVE…LOVE IT!! I have to say it is the best daybed I've seen so far! It's exactly what I want in my bedroom! Great job!

  2. >That daybed is adorable! I have always liked those doors… there are quite a few homes with them in Texas. I would totally glaze it, but that's just me.

  3. >This turned out great and I like it the way it is. I love it just white. It's beautiful. Can't wait to see a tutorial.

  4. >Beautiful! Did you happen to take more pics of how you did it? I would love to know how you cut the shapes and stuff.

  5. >It's absolutely lovely! Equal parts vision (a bed from a door?) and execution (beautiful workmanship). Just perfect.

  6. >Oh my gosh! This is stunning! Your day bed turned out to be just soooo gorgeous! Who would've ever thought to make them out of doors? And even more special is the fact that they were from your house growing up 🙂 I am in love with Ralph Lauren's antiquing glaze in "smoke", and I think it would look great on your bed, though I must say it is perfect right now! Magazine worthy, for sure!

  7. >INCREDIBLE! I ALSO adore the heavy clean lines mixed with the sweet carving…it's perfection! I want one! 😉

  8. >I thought I was pretty decent at redesigning chairs, tables etc. This takes reinventing furniture to a whole other level. I'm completely impressed!!

  9. >I LOVE the daybed. Beside the fact that it is sooooo beautiful, it also has sentimental memories attached. What a great creation! Apparently, praying pays off 🙂

  10. >Your bed is simply AMAZING!!!!

    I've been wondering if I could make a bed out of dorrs and you TOTALLY made it possible!!
    I think a brownish tint glaze would still give you the distressed and aged finish you want without it being so matchy. I would love to feature your bed on my blog!!