Bye-Bye Wood Panels, Hello Cabinets: Guest

I have to show you the full story of this kitchen.  It is nice!  Carrie at Messie Confessions shows off her new kitchen remodel.

So, I’ve posted about my kitchen before in my whole-house renovation post, but I wanted to give it the official “Before & After; During” post it deserves.

Here’s the kitchen when we bought the home… P1000161 P1000182
Here’s the demolition…
kitchen2The new ceiling and lots of that funky NASA insulation that the hubs insisted on…  P1020349
P1020447 P1020491 And here she is now…  P1030843 P1030844 P1030845 P1030846   P1030903

I love my new kitchen.  If I could get my arms around her, I’d give her a big hug. 🙂  We’ve still got a long way to go (backsplash, hardwood floors, pot/pan drawer handles, etc.), but I enjoy this kitchen every single day with or without the finishing touches!

I confess, it’s nicely done! What do you think?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >OMG! That transformation ROCKS!! I lulululove the cabinets you chose. So warm and enviting!

  2. >That is one skookum kitchen reno! Love it! TFS! Can't wait to see what backsplash you choose. 🙂

  3. >It's almost impossible to mentally reconcile the before and afters as being the same home. I must say that the 'before' is possibly one of the ugliest kitchens I've ever seen, but where I saw 'ugly' you saw potential. Wow. The after is a stunner!

  4. >Oh I'd love to give your kitchen a big hug as well!! Beautiful job! I can't wait to see it with all the extra details finished. Hope you have a lovely weekend!



  5. >It is just lovely. You must absolutely love walking into your kitchen. Remodels are such a mess, but can be SO worth it. Great post.