True Value Project & Giveaway


We are currently part of the True Value Blog Squad and wanted to show you our first project that we decided to take on in our new home… A new bathroom faucet!  YAY!  Changing out the faucet in a bathroom is a great way to update the look and function of your bathroom without a lot of work.


Now, I will be the first to admit, the old faucet was not that bad.  But it is frustratingly too short yo wash our hands.   I can’t stand bathroom faucets when it’s challenging to get your hands underneath comfortably to wash and rinse them off.  It makes a huge difference to have a taller faucet, one that is not so close to the edge and as an added bonus they look really nice.  One final bonus?… this new faucet,  now matches the existing cabinet hardware, and towel bars with the same brushed nickel metal finish. so check check…


The old faucet is still in good shape, so we will be donating it to the habitat Restore, because it does have plenty of life left in it.


The Bathroom Faucet We Chose:

Here is the new bathroom faucet that we chose to install.

The Delta Windemere Stainless Steel 2-Handle Lavatory Faucet approx $110 dollars.


bathroom faucet install after

This is the faucet installed.  Nice huh?

Here is a before and after picture of the faucet that I replaced.


bathroom faucet install pin button

Shopping At True Value With The Kiddo’s


We decided to make it a family event to go to the hardware store.  One thing that we have learned when taking the kiddo’s to the store is being prepared with treats.. uh I know some people are cringing, but you haven’t shopped with two toddlers at a hardware store for 2 hours.   Pretzels and water?  Are a match made in shopping with kids heaven.


bathroom faucet install food bribe


We eventually where able to let them walk around a little bit while we were shopping.  Etta and Lydia found these little red carts that were just their size and they ended up pulling them around the store with us and it was like the fun switch got turned on..  Yes we are those parents… but at least they weren’t screaming and we did keep them with us, I didn’t just let them run wild!

true value shopping


On the way to the checkout, the girls got a little ride.  The owner at our local store was seriously so nice, he helped us find what we needed, and actually offered to run to a store out of town when he was short on one thing we needed.. now that is service!!


bathroom faucet install true value shopping

For those of you installing a faucet anytime soon, here are a few little helps to get you on your way!

List of Parts That Come With The Faucet


Here is a summary image that I thought would be helpful to show all the parts and their proper names for your reference and use on your faucet project.

bathroom faucet install image of parts copy


Tools Used

These are the tools that I used for the bathroom faucet install.

bathroom faucet install tools used copy

Here I am in the middle of installing the new faucet and asking for help to get a tool, when a little Lydia helper stops by.

bathroom faucet install on my back

“Here Daddy,  I brought you a book to read in case you wanted a story, or in case you want to read it to me… Oh yeah, and here is the wrench you needed.”  It’s nice to have cute little helpers when working on a project.

bathroom faucet install with book        bathroom faucet install with helper

Here is a picture of the new bathroom faucet installed showing how it works well with the existing cabinet hardware. The total project took about one hour to complete the job. Not too bad long, if you are new to it it may be a little longer. I have done enough over the years that I know and understand the parts and how they go together.

bathroom faucet install after and cabinet

Here is another recent bathroom faucet install that I replaced in our Park House that we really liked.  You can see the rest of this bathroom’s progress here:


bathroom faucet install Park House


Okay, so it is time for a giveaway!  Yay, don’t we all love free stuff?  I know I do!

true value shopping (13)

Well how about a $100 gift card to True Value, good for participating stores and online purchases.  You can enter  below by following the instructions on the widget!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Be sure to check out True Value on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and You tube!

“I was one of the bloggers selected by True Value to work on the DIY Squad. I have been compensated for the materials needed for my DIY project. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.”

Website | + posts

Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I just love this tip! We need our faucet replaced really bad ( actually all of them need replacing – but the bathroom is a great start). Our home is about 80 – 90 years old and needs some upgrading. Especially in the 2 bathrooms. Thanks for a chance to win!

  2. We actually installed two of those faucets a couple of years ago in our master bath. We love how they look, but the handles on the faucet that gets the most use have progressively become more difficult to operate over time. We do get some pretty hard water from the tap, so that could be a factor.

  3. Hi
    The new faucet looks great, but I have to say I think I prefer the older one… sorry! But I enjoyed your Blog, it’s nice to see the whole family getting involved!

  4. I would love to change my faucet out for one like this…can a rookie do this? I am a female and would love to attempt this. Love your blog!

    1. I know you can do it. There are detailed step by step instructions that come with the faucet. Just follow those steps and keep the fittings tight. You just don’t want any drips. Good Luck! Tell us how it goes.

  5. Love this giveaway. I have a great True Value in our town that I love visiting. It seems like there’s always really neat stuff tucked in the aisles and the service is great–they’re always willing to answer any kind of crazy question I have!

  6. Great products, that are affordible and look great when
    Installed in the bathroom makeover at Remodelholic!!

  7. Nice faucet! And…you’re right about the small faucets being a pain. I have them in my bathrooms and I regret that purchase everytime I use the sink.

  8. Beautiful faucet. Yes, it is amazing how changing out that one thing can make such an impact. I am searching for the perfect oil rubbed bronze faucet for our 1/2 bath.