Back From The Garden…

What room is my daughter playing in? (answer below…)

Guess where I just got back from?

Look familiar?
No, not heaven, this wasn’t a near death experience, although it was heavenly!
Those are the smoky mountains!  Asheville North Carolina…. (and Greensboro NC)
Asheville is a place that will always hold my heart even though we moved away three years ago, it still feels like home.   I loved visiting with all of our great friends and seeing their children, and especially the newest kidlets that we hadn’t yet met.
Actually, truth be told it was almost a little depressing when we first arrived.  I missed all of our friends it really just feels like a big family there. You see Asheville is my ideal kind of earthly beauty,and since we no longer live there my husband likes to joke that we have been kicked out of the Garden of Eden!  Texas is great, but it is NOT Asheville, and it is not green and lush.  But, I can’t change it now so I won’t dwell.
Anywho, for obvious reasons, I didn’t really mention that my house was vacant for a week or so… although, since the incident, we now have a new super duper cool Security System that I am loving!
The reason for the trip was an awesome event sponsored by the new HGTV Home Flooring line by Shaw Carpets!
Just a teaser… go check out their area rug line, but what we did had something to do with this:
Can I just tell you HOW MUCH FUN I HAD!  Wahoo! I met so many great bloggers, AND I got to work with one of my (no longer just a virtual friends) Roeshel from the DIY Showoff– I can’t begin to tell you the relief I felt when I got my blogger partner- we didn’t find out til we arrived!  She has great taste and we worked together so well, no drama zone!  Thank Heaven!  And she is totally beautiful- although let’s be honest, it just reminded me how badly I need to get back on my diet… but back on track here…
To top it all off, I was hanging out with Lisa LaPorta!  Yes me and Lisa are tight… (okay- I can dream)  But seriously she really was there and just amazingly fun and so down to earth!
Okay, so I need to go get some unpacking done.  We arrived home at 1:30 AM with two exhausted babies… (after 2 hours of delays- yucky!)  But if you need a teaser image or two let me make sure that I provide your needed daily eye candy!
P.S. The wall color is Copen Blue by Sherwin Williams for HGTV
and the Chandelier is Antique Red also by Sherwin Williams!
Are you as in love as I am with this room!
More info to come SOON!
P.S. What do you think of the room?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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