9 Fun Winter Projects… With A Purpose!

9 fun winter projects with a purpose at tipsaholic.com 9 Fun Winter Projects with a Purpose

Once the holidays are over, winter can start to feel endless. With spring still a ways off you may be looking for ways to entertain yourself – and what better way to while away the dark winter hours than a few great winter projects? Not only are these crafts fun, they’ll also serve a purpose as you await the thaw this year.


1. There are many versions and sizes of these handy dandy warmer-uppers, but I like this “heartwarming” version of a rice warmer the best! Throw it in the microwave for a minute or two and cozy up.

The winter can drag on for months after the holidays pass. Instead of not having fun in the winter try one of these 9 fun winter projects with a purpose via tipsaholic.com #winter #projects #diy


2.  Interested in attracting some winter visitors of the winged variety? Try these fun birdie ice pops for a fun and nature-friendly craft.

The winter can drag on for months after the holidays pass. Instead of not having fun in the winter try one of these 9 fun winter projects with a purpose via tipsaholic.com #winter #projects #diy


3. ’Tis the season for the scarf, and if you’re having trouble keeping them organized, then this ingenious scarf organizer is the project for you! A set of dollar store curtain rings and a hanger and you’re on your way.

The winter can drag on for months after the holidays pass. Instead of not having fun in the winter try one of these 9 fun winter projects with a purpose via tipsaholic.com #winter #projects #diy


4. Nothing says winter chic quite like a pair of warm woolen mittens, and you can’t beat the up-cycling factor of a pair made from an old sweater!

The winter can drag on for months after the holidays pass. Instead of not having fun in the winter try one of these 9 fun winter projects with a purpose via tipsaholic.com #winter #projects #diy


5. Lips feeling a little dry? It’s common this time of year! Help yourself to a helpful project like this DIY peppermint-cocoa lip balm. And you can find containers like these here.

The winter can drag on for months after the holidays pass. Instead of not having fun in the winter try one of these 9 fun winter projects with a purpose via tipsaholic.com #winter #projects #diy


6. Pets deserve some project love too! Up-cycle another thrift store find into this simple dog sweater for your frosty friend.

The winter can drag on for months after the holidays pass. Instead of not having fun in the winter try one of these 9 fun winter projects with a purpose via tipsaholic.com #winter #projects #diy


7. Chances are, you’ll catch some kind of a nasty bug this winter. Be prepared when it hits with this fab “sick caddy” to tote around the house with you.

The winter can drag on for months after the holidays pass. Instead of not having fun in the winter try one of these 9 fun winter projects with a purpose via tipsaholic.com #winter #projects #diy


8. Winter is nothing without a hot cup of cocoa, tea, coffee, wassail… Whatever your flavor, these painted mugs are sure to brighten your spirits while you guzzle.

The winter can drag on for months after the holidays pass. Instead of not having fun in the winter try one of these 9 fun winter projects with a purpose via tipsaholic.com #winter #projects #diy


9. If you’re finding yourself frizzy and full of static, it might be time to moisturize your dry winter hair. Try a homemade hair mask full of all-natural ingredients!

The winter can drag on for months after the holidays pass. Instead of not having fun in the winter try one of these 9 fun winter projects with a purpose via tipsaholic.com #winter #projects #diy


Kayla Lilly is a photographer, writer, wife, and mama making a house a home in eastern Idaho. She met her mister while working at an amusement park and married him a year later after deciding there was no way to live without him. The amusement has continued as they’ve added three kids and a passel of pets to their lives while finishing college and starting a photography business. Drawing inspiration from the whirlwinds of marriage, parenthood, and the media, Kayla blogs at Utterly Inexperienced, and spends the rest of her time chasing chickens, organizing junk drawers, diapering toddlers, and photographing everyone willing to step in front of her lens.

Featured Image via Perfect Locks.

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