8 Quick and Easy, Portable Breakfast Ideas

8 Quick and Easy Portable Breakfast Ideas - Tipsaholic, #breakfast, #recipe, #easymeal

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Mornings can be hectic for many, but you can make the morning rush just a little easier by preparing portable breakfasts in advance and grabbing them as you run out the door. Some of these recipes require a few minutes of heating before eating, but you can always skip that step if you’re in a hurry. Make it easier for your family to eat the most important meal of the day!  If you’re too busy for breakfast, try these 8 quick and easy, portable breakfast ideas.


1. Zucchini-Potato Frittata


A frittata is not that hard to make and it keeps well in the refrigerator. Cut out a slice when it’s time for breakfast and heat it up.  This recipe includes zucchini, potato, and bacon all in one delicious, portable breakfast. You could use sweet potato for even more taste and nutrition!  Bonus: You could grab a slice for lunch, too!


2. Cranberry-Pistachio Energy Bars


There’s so much goodness in these energy bars, from rolled oats, quinoa, and coconut to almond butter, that you can feel good about as you munch them on way to work. Make 15 servings at once and store them in zip-top plastic bags that you can easily grab and put in your purse.


3. Easy Breakfast Roll-Ups


A breakfast burrito might be portable in theory, but they can be messy. Scrambled egg and shredded cheese can easily fall out, especially when eaten by kids. This recipe offers a truly smart and easy way to assemble breakfast burritos, or roll-ups, that won’t cause a mess in your car!


4. Pancake Pockets

pancake pockets with berries

Your kids will love this recipe and so will you! Pancakes are definitely not portable, especially with fruit toppings and syrup.  You can solve that problem by putting the fruit inside the pancakes; so clever! The fruit sweetens the pancake pockets just enough that you won’t need syrup.


5. Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal


You can make this overnight oatmeal the night before, or prepare several jars for a week’s worth of portable breakfasts. Mix together old-fashioned rolled oats, Greek yogurt, and almond milk in a jar and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. Top it with banana and anything else you want to add – try roasted nuts, a drizzle of honey, or your favorite fruit – and eat up!


6. Quiche Crescent Cups


Crescent is quite possibly the most delicious breakfast bread ever and when you combine it with eggs, cheese, and bacon, you have yourself a scrumptious breakfast. You can make this in advance and store it in your refrigerator. Heat it up in a toaster oven for a few minutes and enjoy!


7. Breakfast Cereal Parfait

breakfast cereal parfait

Layer yogurt and strawberries in a mason jar or any other glass jar and top with a lid. Let your parfaits hang out in the refrigerator until you’re ready to eat, then you can grab one and sprinkle your favorite cereal on top. You could use any other fruit that you prefer as well – how about blackberries, blueberries, or even kiwi?


8. Waffle Cups


Sure, you could toast a couple frozen waffles and be on your way, but waffles aren’t as filling as eggs. That’s why these waffle cups are such a genius idea! Defrost your frozen waffles, press them into muffin cups and cook. Fill them with eggs and fixings – like bacon, cheese, and/or vegetables. When it’s time to eat, heat them up in a toaster oven for a few minutes.


Featured image via Better Homes and Gardens.


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I’m Elisa and I live in Austin, Texas with my husband and our two little girls. I used to teach reading and writing, but now I stay at home with my two kiddos and read and write in my spare time. I also love to undertake DIY projects, find new recipes on Pinterest, and dream about someday finally completing our home. Above all, I love to learn about new things and sharing my new-found knowledge with others.

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