8 Hands-On Science Activities (for 3-6 year olds)

8 Hands-On Science Activities for 3-6 Year Olds - tipsaholic, #scienceactivities, #scienceexperiments, #scienceforkids, #kids, #science



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Take the dreaded work out of learning science concepts!  Science doesn’t have to be dull and boring or difficult to grasp, even for young kids.  Cultivate a love for learning early on! Interested in teaching your kids all about science?  These 8 hands-on science activities are a great place to start.


1. Water Science Activities – The Measured Mom

Very young children will love these activities with water (they’d even be appropriate to do with toddlers)  Water play is great for tactile learners.  Not only will they learn about sinking vs. floating, repelling vs. absorbing, dissolution and various scientific properties/effects of water, they’ll also work on motor skills (large and small), develop critical thinking and learn to make hypothesis and test theories.  Plus, they’ll have a blast splashing around!


2. Bubble Science – Scholastic

Making your own bubbles can be a great learning experience in Science (and math too!)  The link has tons of great ideas for science-related topics to cover as you measure, pour and mix up your own solutions and then try them out in different ways!  Even babies love bubbles!  Another plus?  Your kids will get all their wiggles out chasing bubbles around the yard!


3. Bug Watch – kidspot

This old classic is still a hit with young kids!  Find instructions for creating your own bug sanctuary out of a plastic bottle… then let your little ones find some critters to place inside and watch for a while.  Check on the bugs at intervals and record findings.  Be sure to talk about their natural habitats and that bugs and insects (along with all animals) belong in the wild, then have a celebration for the grand release into the backyard!


4. Fossil Cookies – Martha Stewart

For help explaining paleontology and fossil records, make these awesome cookies with your kids!  The link includes a recipe and the full instructions for making fossil imprints.  When your done with the learning, your kids can have fun chowing down for snack time!


5. Borax Snowflakes – Delia Creates

Make your own sparkly, white crystals in the shape of snowflakes!  Delia Creates gives you the recipe for this super fun craft to do with your kids.  While you’re waiting for the crystals to form, you can explain why and how they do so.  Check out the science behind the craft here.


6. Carnation Colors – Spell Out Loud

Your kids can have a ton of fun making a rainbow of flowers!  All you need are plain white carnations, some jars, water and food coloring!  Place freshly cut flowers in the mix of water and food coloring and watch what happens!  Kids will love watching the transformation happen right before their eyes.  Have your kids guess what will happen to your flowers ahead of time and compare their findings to their hypotheses.  Have a discussion about how flowers and other plants “drink” in order to survive.


7. Balloon Blow – My Kids Guide

Did you know you can inflate a balloon using a water bottle and some simple household items – no breath needed?!  It’s true!  Show your little ones how to blow up a balloon the “normal way” before doing the experiment.  Then use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda in an empty water bottle, stretch the balloon around the opening and watch it expand!  No kid can resist the fun factor of balloons!


8. Primary Science Kit

Get started with some easy Science projects with this primary science kit!  The kit includes all the tools you’ll need for some groundbreaking experiments – tweezers, beaker, test tubes, flask, funnel, magnifying glass and more!  There are several sturdy activity cards included and an activity guide for parents.  The pieces are durable plastic, brightly colored and created with little hands in mind – making it not only appealing but perfectly designed for preschool kids.


For tons more science ideas and activities for little kids, check out the Activity Corner on Kid Spot.


If you want some ideas about hands-on Math activities for your preschooler, we’ve got you covered.


Kimberly Mueller is the “me” over at bugaboo, mini, mr & me, a blog that highlights her creative endeavors. She especially likes to share kid crafts, sewing attempts, recipes, upcycled projects, photography and free printable gift tags/cards. When she’s not enjoying being married to her best friend, chasing after the natives (AKA her three kids) and attempting to keep the house in one piece, you can find her with a glue gun in one hand and spray paint in the other. Aside from DIY pursuits, she also enjoys writing, reading, music, singing (mostly in the shower) and the color yellow. Kimberly recently published a craft book entitled Modern Mod Podge. You can also find her on FacebookPinterest,Bloglovin’ and Instagram. Email her at: bugabooblog(at)yahoo.com

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Kimberly Mueller is the “me” over at bugaboo, mini, mr & me, a blog that highlights her creative endeavors. She especially likes to share kid crafts, sewing attempts, recipes, upcycled projects, photography and free printable gift tags/cards. When she’s not enjoying being married to her best friend, chasing after the natives (AKA her three kids) and attempting to keep the house in one piece, you can find her with a glue gun in one hand and spray paint in the other. Aside from DIY pursuits, she also enjoys writing, reading, music, singing (mostly in the shower) and the color yellow. Kimberly recently published a craft book entitled Modern Mod Podge. You can also find her on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’ and Instagram.

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