5 DIY Sprinklers to Cool Down Your Kids This Summer

5 DIY Sprinklers to Cool Down Your Kids This Summer | Tipsaholic.com #water #kids #diy #backyard #pvc #sprinkler

Hot, summer weather and cool, fresh water is a beautiful combination. But instead of packing up for the pool or beach every single day this summer, why not create a watery oasis in your own backyard? Forget the inflatable pool and create one of these five DIY sprinklers!


1. MYO Sprinkler

This is a simple sprinkler that you set on the ground and it’ll shoot up water. It’s perfect for younger kids and even crawling babies. If you’re new to handling PVC pipes and want a simple DIY sprinkler to start with, you’ll like this tutorial!



2. Fun PVC Sprinkler

Want a sprinkler that stands up so your kids can run or bike through it? This is a nice tutorial for a standing sprinkler that also uses PVC pipes. For less than $15 and only 30 minutes of DIY sweat, the results look pretty great.



3. DIY PVC Pipe Sprinkler

This is another PVC pipe sprinkler, but it’s bigger and badder than the previous two. If you have a couple of children or if you’re hosting a party for kids, you’ll love this tutorial. Amee, who made this DIY sprinkler, also suggests that you put down a slip ‘n’ slide underneath the sprinkler. That sounds like so much fun.



4. Kids’ Car Wash Sprinkler

What kid doesn’t like to ride in the car when it goes through a car wash? Create a car wash for your children with this DIY sprinkler tutorial and have them ride their bikes through it! Use mop heads and sponges and anything else that could resemble a car wash and let your kids wash their bikes over and over again!



5. Backyard Sprinkler Park

This backyard sprinkler park is AMAZING. You just have to see this. You’ll find several different ideas for DIY sprinklers using PVC pipes, foam noodles, and spray paint. There’s a dumping bucket sprinkler, a dueling noodles sprinkler, a flower shower sprinkler, and a tunnel sprinkler. Wow.



Now you’re all set to beat the heat this summer! Which one of these 5 DIY sprinklers do you like the best? Will you make one of them? I’m leaning towards the first one, since I have a crawling baby these days. What about you?

Featured image courtesy of Lowes.

Also check out our 50 Pool Floats for Adults.

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I’m Elisa and I live in Austin, Texas with my husband and our two little girls. I used to teach reading and writing, but now I stay at home with my two kiddos and read and write in my spare time. I also love to undertake DIY projects, find new recipes on Pinterest, and dream about someday finally completing our home. Above all, I love to learn about new things and sharing my new-found knowledge with others.

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